Saturday, April 19, 2008



Where do I start? Disciple - they look fierce. They look "tough."

While many kids are into heavy music, the lyrics are not good at all - however, Disciple offers heavy music Christian Lyrics.
Many of our Soldiers enjoy listening to hardcore music... it pumps them up, gets the adrenaline flowing... if your military man enjoys a screeching guitar, screaming music and lots of energy... have them check out Disciple. Disciple offers a crazy, hard, exciting music thrill - with a great twist... the twist of Christianity.
For those of you who have children...
One important question I asked Kevin Young (lead singer of Disciple) - is, "what would you tell parents who look at you and think that your kids should not listen to your music based on your looks?"

Kevin responded, "I urge you to take a good look at the lyrics of our songs... comb through our lyrics with a fine toothed comb. Parents should check into the music their kids want to listen to."

Myself, being a mother of a teenager and two others pushing teenage hood - this was a good answer.

I've talked to other secular music artists, and they have said things like... well your kid has to grow up and make decisions on their own someday.

While, this is true - as a parent I do want to make sure my kids are listeing to songs that have clean lyrics. Lyrics that promote Christianity... Kevin has that part right for sure!

KJ 52

On Thursday, I had a few minutes to visit with KJ-52. My friend, Annah of Shine Magazine invited me to sit in on a couple of interviews she had with KJ... I will say - KJ was very down to earth, and really does have a love for working with kids in the inner city.

KJ said that when he was a kid, he had very low self esteem... and the only way that his self esteem climbed, was when he found God. God gave him the power to forgive people who would say mean things to him, God gave him the strength to "not be afraid of what people said."

KJ specializes in Christian rap... he will make your feet tap - KJ is good at what he does... share his music with your cuz!

Umm, maybe I should leave the rapping to KJ? ;)

On a side note, I thought you'd all be interested in knowing that when our family goes away on a road trip, we become the "rapping family." My husband is M&M, I am Skittles - I have a lotta riddles...

Betcha' didn't know that about me. LOL

Over & Out For Now...

Baby Skittles

Visit KJs Official Website

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Kim Walker

Words from Kim Walker:

I actually have quite a few military wives in my family. My sister is a military wife and I have an aunt and 2 cousins whose husbands are over in Iraq right now. I pray for strength and joy for military wives. I pray that God would bring them great peace and joy and bless them with deep intimacy with Holy Spirit. I pray that their marriages would be strong and centered around God and their homes would be filled with fun and happiness!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Lindsey Kane Gives Words Of Encouragement

Lindsey Kane has agreed to an interview with Christian Military Wives. This interview is in the making - I will also be writing a review of her current CD; Move Me Aside.

In the mean time - I asked Lindsey if she has any encouraging words for military wives... this was her response:

"I can't say I know how you feel, because I don’t, but please know that I respect you all like you'll never know! When I think about what it means to be a military wife, I think of someone who has strength, perseverance and determination. you all show me Jesus!

Traveling around the country doing women's events, I meet many military wives. in fact, just this past weekend I had the opportunity of getting to know a women who attended a mother/daughter retreat, she walked with such poise and bravery.

I do believe that the best soldiers are the ones with supportive and loving wives back home! One thing I want to encourage you with is that you are not alone. I am a single woman and sometimes I feel alone and fall into loneliness. but let me tell you that this past year, the Lord has filled every void in my life and heart and now all I need is intimacy with Him.

While you're husbands are gone, I would challenge you, as I challenge myself, to draw near to Christ. it is sometimes in the loneliest of times that we find His holiness and where we find Love falling all over us from His throne. when you feel no one else knows what you're going through, be encouraged that Jesus knows.

Hebrews 4 tells us that Jesus sympathizes with our weaknesses. take heart my sisters! Jesus knows exactly what you're going through and He is the Alpha and Omega of your difficulties. He will see you through this time as you serve alongside your husband for our country. thank you for your sacrifice. you ladies don’t hear that enough, but thank you. I pray that the Lord blesses you ten-fold for your hearts and devotion to the Lord!"

Please keep checking back to read our interview with Lindsey. She has been such an encouragement to women all over the United States...

You can check out Lindseys official website HERE.

Watch the HE KNOWS music video, it's very touching!